
Digital Convenience – Access From Anywhere

Accessibility is becoming a growing concern for fleet managers.

Most companies will agree that they install fleet management software for the valuable data that it collects. And indeed, Big Data is a common topic of interest for the future of fleet management. As telematics capabilities continue to grow, logistics managers have access to greater amounts of data.

But data collection is the first step of many on the path to tangible insights. As succinctly stated in this article in Fleet Financials magazine, “directing the data to the appropriate figures in a fleet operation is a crucial step to making the abundance of data actionable”.

Enter accessibility: ensuring the right people have access to the information they need, when and where they need it.

And the industry is responding to this desire for on-demand data with the evolution of web-based management systems. Let’s look deeper into exactly how modern web-based fleet management software can solve accessibility problems and result in more efficient, on-the-go operations.


Platform-independent access

Contrary to traditional client-server systems, web-based fleet management systems can be accessed from any device, anywhere with an internet connection. It means that supervisors can log in from their headquarters, just as easily as from their phone, tablet or laptop, if they’re on the go. And with seamless integration across platforms, there’s no disruption if you need to switch between devices.

Put simply, you no longer need to be behind a desk to perform your job—and with more and more organisations embracing less traditional ways of working, this is a major advantage. The Fleet Complete mobile app is available on both iOS and Android and allows users to perform all the necessary tasks for fluid management across devices.


Delegated functionality

Different data should be accessible by different people. Your drivers will be interested in different things than Payroll department, or your suppliers, for example. Fleet Complete’s fleet management software allows you to assign access levels based on tier or position.

Furthermore, Fleet Complete has developed a series of apps, which allow for instantaneous, mobile task completion:

  • Task Tracker app enables users to perform job dispatch and time card functions.
  • Inspect App enables users to perform vehicle inspection reporting for pre-, in- and post-trip inspections.
  • FBT App enables users to perform FBT reporting, categorising each trip as either private or business with a swipe of a finger.

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User-friendly interfaces

On-the-go access is hardly useful if the app’s information isn’t easily interpretable. The goal of a user-friendly system is to immediately communicate necessary information, as it is needed, rather than asking users to decipher complicated maps or graphs, which will, in turn, slow widespread uptake of the system, and also decrease operational efficiencies. Everyone, regardless of their seniority or industry experience, will be able to adopt the system.

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