With a lot of online tools available for your daily to-do-lists and simple project tracking for your business and personal calendars, we’ve come up with a simple tool to do exactly that for your easy dispatch routine.
Not all businesses operate with complex delivery schedules, multi-leg routes and invoice software integrations. Some require a simple task-tracking tool that will help allocate and track small assignments and steer away from copious paper work and call-ins for administration and payroll.
Digitisation is king! And we’d like to introduce you to our little helper, Task Tracker, for those who want a small, uncomplicated and budget-friendly solution to deal with daily tasks.
This could be your family-owned repair shop or plumber/carpenter service, a start-up business, mum-n’-pop catering, a local landscaping company, maintenance department within an organisation, property management, dealing with fix-ups – you name it!
Like with everything else, there is an app for that!
An inexpensive solution to your light-duty dispatching and task management needs, Task Tracker provides task allocation to the best available staff member – be it your technician, driver, or else – a Time Card that allows your staff to clock in and out – or indicate a break – and confirming the task has been completed.
This way you can:
- Get information to and from staff faster
- Avoid pesky paper work
- Remove the need for office check-ins
- Set ‘Time to Leave’ reminders
- Speed up task completion process
- Track billable time
Sounds like something you need yet? Read on, and we’ll go through how the app works and give some real-life examples of who would use it.
Give me the details, please.
How it all works is simple.
You create your tasks within the app with as much or as little detail as needed – you’re the boss! – and see who from your staff is on duty or otherwise available – they will have Task Tracker downloaded on their phone as well and can indicate their on-duty status.
You immediately see what tasks they are already working on and what is the progress – they can start, stop, pause and complete in the app. See the one that can do the job – click to assign (you can even self-assign them if you want! Record keeping is also important).
They will clock in, clock out, or indicate break remotely within the app to keep you in the know. This is their Time Card.
Your mobile team can Accept or Reject tasks, according to what they’re working on right now and when they’ll finish. Rejected tasks will be marked for you to re-assign – on to the next one! Once your team member accepts, you will see GPS stamps of where the task was accepted, and where it was completed.
Pretty neat, huh! This is also useful to manage your customers’ expectations better – they’ll appreciate it, and will be more likely to use your services the next time around.
And once your staff have completed their tasks, they will mark them as Done.
On the main screen, Task Tracker shows you three tabs – Pending, In Progress and Done – where you can easily navigate between the tabs to see what’s on the agenda for today, for the week, for the month.
Now you have more time to tick off other boxes, like billing for the time worked and do some digital filing for the books.
Your key benefits include:
- Going paperless
- Getting information faster
- Visibility in dispatch
- Time and progress tracking
- Knowing what’s been completed
Talk to me about the real-life cases.
Now that we’ve covered the how-it-works part, let’s talk examples and real-life scenarios.
Small business
Say you have a new business or startup with a very small team that works outside the office most of the time – or you could be a one-man show as well. You have a lot of requests with limited man power, and you need to optimise your operations to the tee, making sure there is speed of delivery in the minimum amount of time. #GrowingYourBusiness
You need to get the request information to your mobile team as quickly as possible – or self-assign for records – and accurately track billable time for your customers and for your payroll.
With Task Tracker, you see immediately who is available at the moment and easily assign tasks as they come in. If your crew has additional requests while on the assignment, they can simply self-assign the add-on to their tasks and easy does it! They don’t need to call in because you’ll see it in your app with GPS stamps on the time and location.
Remote workers
Say you operate on an oil patch or construction site and you have remote workers. Your crew start their workday as they leave the house, and they’re on duty while on the road. You want to know the exact time they start their shift and the time they stop working.
With Task Tracker’s GPS time and location stamps, they can do so by simply logging into the app, putting themselves on duty. Now you have an accurate way to track billable time, ensure employee accountability and have proof of action for customers and managers.
The app also provides a lot of flexibility and convenience to your employees by being available on their mobile devices. While other systems require you to be in the vehicle to accept the dispatched task, with Task Tracker, it can all be managed from a smartphone or a tablet, when the driver is away from the vehicle.
Now you have faster information sharing for simple dispatching.
Contractors and car-sharing
Say you operate in a business environment where your staff share company vehicles and you need to be able to easily track when the vehicles are being used and by whom for those times when they do deliveries or have client meetings.
With Task Tracker, you or your staff members can assign vehicles to themselves to indicate which car is being used and for how long.
If you hire contractors and temporary workers for specific jobs and projects, you would like to know their billable time, and what has been completed. Task Tracker is a great way to create visibility into what they are working on, when they started on it, and when they finish.
Team communication tool
Say you have a mobile team, like EMS or reparation services, that carry expensive tools and equipment, which can be occasionally left behind. You need a way to track your inventory to make sure your mobile crew are not caught empty-handed when the need arises.
With Task Tracker, the team can communicate to each other via the app to indicate what equipment or tool was used/left and where. Once the equipment has been retrieved, it can be marked as completed.
They can also expedite assignments by immediately seeing who is available via the app and share information faster digitally. This is particularly useful for on-call employees, hospital workers who deal with patient transfers, and all other mobile field workers.
Sounds good. How can I get Task Tracker?
Easy! Visit our Task Tracker page and click on Request a Demo, send us an email, or call us at 1300 653 395.
You can download Task Tracker app in iTunes and GooglePlay as it runs on both Android and Apple devices.