It’s time to get prepared.
Are you ready to transition your fleet? The time for planning is now, since the carrier sunsetting of 3G services is already in progress. As we learned in the 2G shutdown, the major carriers do eventually move forward.
Is the 3G network being phased out?
Yes, 3G is being phased out in different places around the world.
The phasing out of the 3G network makes way for the transition to 4G which means upgrading 4G services and bringing consumers enhanced internet coverage, speed and connectivity.
What does a 3G shutdown mean for my service?
Devices that are only capable of 3G service, as opposed to 4G LTE service, will no longer work as the carriers repurpose the 3G spectrum to 4G LTE, unless there is an extension in place. The devices must have their service plans updated to 4G as well as the device itself.
If you have any concerns, please talk to your Fleet Complete Sales Representative or contact us here.
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What about my fleet’s telematics devices?
For organizations relying on machine-to-machine devices, such as vehicle telematics, here’s what you can do now to get prepared:
- Immediately check with your telematics provider whether the devices on your fleet vehicles are 3G or 4G LTE devices.
- If your provider’s devices are on 3G networks, see what plans and services are in place to avoid disruptions to your telematics services. If you’re looking into a telematics solution for the first time, ensure that the telematics provider is selling 4G devices.
- Since this is the second major sunsetting of another network technology, ask your telematics provider what warranties or expandable technology they can provide.
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How can I plan ahead for future technology sunsets?
Fleets can help protect their technology investment by selecting scalable devices and telematics solutions, and/or ensuring that the device provider has a limited warranty plan in place for this exact situation. For example, the Geotab solutions supports users by offering:
Expandable technology — The most recent Geotab GO9 device, it’s the same size and same installation process as previous devices. It also has the latest Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and is also a 4G-capable device, depending on regional availability.
Start planning today
Don’t get stuck presuming your devices won’t be affected, act now to ensure a smooth transition process. One major-city public transit fleet in the U.S. had service interruptions for several weeks after the 2G shutdown. The bus fleet’s schedule information system relied on 2G for data transmission.
The move away from 3G is inevitable, as networks are already starting to implement 5G coverage. While we’re still far off from 5G on a large scale — widespread rollout is expected to arrive by 2022 — 5G is now available in Australia, the U.S., England, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Finland, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and South Korea, and is being tested in many other cities. Monaco just became the first European country to have full 5G coverage.
Planning ahead is the best way to ensure your business can adapt to the ever-changing technology advancements.
Originally published by Geotab, May 1st, 2020.